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This site will help you with your money issues and help you to get those bills under control. The site is run by Dave Ramsey who has had a lot of experience with money woes. The site is large and colourful in shades of blue with some accent colors and other colourful titles incorporated throughout the site. The very top left is a beta and welcome link. The right side has a link to the old website and then a search box. There is a picture of the smiling Dave Ramsey and below that the titles The Show, Classes, Events, Tools, Community and Store. Then there is a small box in red that refers to the free shipping.
Under that are more titles for Life and Money, Business, Parents and Teachers and Church. Under that you will find the Advice and Stories and some subtitles with steps from Dave on how to take charge of your finances. Then you can read more with other titles and beside that is a big ad for anyone new to Dave Ramsey and more information with changing titles and pictures to accompany the articles. To the right of the page is the title Trusted Services and Endorsed Local Providers for Investing, Real Estate, Insurance, Health Insurance and Tax Services. You can also find a Financial Coach in your area.
At the far side of the site on the right is a feedback button in colourful yellow for punch. The middle of the page has a box with a sliding bar and different titles like The Dave Ramsey Show, Financial Peace University, See Dave Live, Get Started Online and much more. Under each title is more info for the visitors. To the right of that you will find Dace Recommends. Then at the bottom of the page is Helpful Money Tools with a mortgage calculator, community forums and more. You can also sign up and get Dave’s free Newsletters.

Website info
title : Dave Ramsey Homepage - daveramsey.com
start date : 1999-02-01
owner : The Lampo Group, Inc
street : 1749 Mallory Ln Ste 100
city/state : Brentwood TN
country/zip : US 37027
email :
phone : +1 615 371 8881, Fax: +1 615 371 5007
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Domain information
Created : 1999-02-01
Expires : 2015-09-21
Changed : 2009-08-14
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