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title : Adobe Photoshop Tutorials on AdobeTutorialz.com
start date : 2006-01-12
owner : Vlad Duduciuk
street : Str. Florilor
city/state : Chisinau 2068
country/zip : MOLDOVA
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Web Analytics:
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
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Facebook Like Facebook Like Button is a button which allows recommending the content on Facebook. When you click on a profile in the Like button your friends can see what interested you. Like button works not only on the Facebook - it can also be posted on your website.
Wordpress Wordpress is one of the most popular content management systems not only for bloggers because on Wordpress you can also create big portal, forum or internet shop. It uses a MySQL database and PHP language. Wordpress is released under GPL license for free. It is easy to use, and thanks to the large number of plug-ins very flexible and attractive.
JavaScript Library:
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Pingback Support Pingback is a protocol used by bloggers in order to keep track links to our blog from other blogs. Pingback is a kind of promotion source for the blog.
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Domain information
Created : 2006-01-12
Expires : 2015-01-12
Changed : 2013-10-29
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