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title : Abstract Fonts (13,742 free fonts)
start date : 1999-02-25
owner : Alex Chumak
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abstract fonts
font coronet hearts
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WWW Server : Apache
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Web Analytics:
Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free tool which gives you possibility to analyze the statistics on your website, ie: the number of visitors to your website, traffic sources , the time spent by visitors on your website, etc. Google Analytics also allows you to collect data on conversion rates and ROI.
JavaScript Library:
jQuery JQuery is a library designed for JavaScript language to facilitate its use. It allows you to create effective animations, perform AJAX queries, and create galleries, banners, slide shows, etc.
jQuery UI jQuery UI is the official library of user interface used in jQuery. It provides a variety of patterns, themes, and advanced and multi-level effects, which are necessary for creating web applications.
YUI Library YUI is a library available under the BSD license, which includes a set of controls and utilities written in JavaScript language and supported by the CSS. YUI is used for creating web applications using AJAX, DOM or DHTML technology.
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abstractfonts.com MX 1 mail.digitaljournal.com
Domain information
Created : 1999-02-25
Expires : 2018-02-25
Changed : 2013-02-27
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