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110mb.com is a site that claims to be the best when it comes to free online web hosting. They allow any persons to create and grow your website on one of the most endorsed free website hosting providers online along with the promise that they will never show a single ad on your website. They give you a few main reasons as to why you should work along with them. They note that the majority of free hosts sell the business within 2-4 months or they go broke or disappear overnight within 2-4 months of opening. 110MB is run by 2 companies coming from entirely different fields, hosted websites run at a high speed and the top priority is to hear the customers’ demands. The site has five main sections: What You’ll Get, Community, and Search. There is also an opportunity to connect with facebook users on the site. The main advantages of the site are 110MB Space - FREE (Can upgrade to 15GB), Dual Xeon & Opteron based Servers, and PHP 5 – FREE. However, the main attraction on the site is the testimonials section that has comments from very satisfied customers who pitch for other online website owners to do their hosting with 110MB. The site is great for anyone who owns a website or knows such a person.

Website info
title : FREE Website Hosting & Premium Web Hosting - 110mb.com
start date : 2006-03-18
owner : Speed Success, Inc.
street : ,
city/state : Sydney,
country/zip : Australia
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alexa.com 40560 alexa rank
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quantcast.com 27559 quantcast rank
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dmoz.org 300 dmoz links
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G+ 90 Facebook like
12 html errors, 2 css errors
2.40 page views per user
Most popular in Brazil, (17.20% visitors came from there)
G+ 239 Tweets
Popular Query keywords
free hosting
Server info
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WWW Server : Apache/2.2
Document Information: Cascading Style Sheets
Encoding: iso-8859-1
Server: Header: Apache/2.2
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Google +1 Google +1 is a new addition for websites, which allows recommending website content in the search engine. Google +1 help users search valuable content. To put on Google +1 button on your website you only need to have a Google account and post the right code onto the website.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
110mb.com A
110mb.com SOA ns1.110mb.com
110mb.com NS ns2.110mb.com
110mb.com NS ns1.110mb.com 64-120-180-53.static.hostnoc.net
110mb.com MX 10 box441.bluehost.com
Domain information
Created : 2006-03-18
Expires : 2014-03-18
Changed : 2011-03-07
IP information
IP owner
Organization : Mosso Hosting
Address : street: 5000 Walzem Rd
city: San Antonio
state: TX
pcode: 78218
country: US
Handle : IPADM17-ARIN
Phone : +1-210-312-4000
Email : hostmaster@rackspace.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-98-129-228-0-1
Name : RACKS-8-000911645880
Status : Reassigned
Handle : ABUSE45-ARIN
Name : Abuse Desk
Phone : +1-210-312-4000
Email : abuse@rackspace.com
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