www.0x61.com (visit site)

This site is a simple and straightforward forum site that is easy to navigate. There are some terms and conditions that apply to using this site that you have to agree with. You cannot post any vulgar, abusive, obscene, slanderous, hateful, threatening or sexually oriented material. The site covers many interests such as technology, sports, entertainment and lifestyle and anyone can enter a post. Then under each title you will find subtitles and entries from different authors along with the views and the last post. For example under Technology you will find Apple, Microsoft, Google, Gadgets and more.
For sports lovers you will find posts on baseball, hockey and many more. If you are a celebrity lover or entertainment buff then you can check out that forum along with movies, music, television, comedy and comics and animation. Under lifestyle you will also find a lot of useful everyday information on autos, education, food and drink, health, travel and pets and animals. When you throw in science, business and gaming you have a well-rounded forum that appeals to everyone tastes and interests. Not only can you read these various forums but also you can participate yourself and exchange meaningful information and dialogue.

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start date : 2005-01-18
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alexa.com 23932882 alexa rank
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Server info
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WWW Server : Apache
Document Information: Encoding: utf-8
Server: Header: Apache
PHP PHP is a scripting language used for object-oriented programming of dynamic websites. PHP is usually used on the server WWW site, but also can be used to create programs running in graphical mode if we use the appropriate libraries. Sometimes PHP is also used to process data by the command line.
DNS info
host Record Name IP Reverse
0x61.com A
0x61.com SOA ns1.above.com
0x61.com NS ns1.above.com
0x61.com NS ns2.above.com
Domain information
Created : 2012-11-23
Expires : 2014-11-23
Changed : 2013-11-24
IP information
IP owner
Handle : TRELL-4
Organization : Trellian Pty Ltd
Address : street: 8 East Concourse
city: Beaumaris
state: VIC
pcode: 3193
country: AU
Handle : HOSTM1579-ARIN
Name : Hostmaster
Phone : +613 9589 7946
Email : hostmaster@trellian.com
Network IP : -
Handle : NET-69-43-161-0-1
Name : NET-69-43-161-0-1
Status : Reassigned
Handle : HOSTM1579-ARIN
Name : Hostmaster
Phone : +613 9589 7946
Email : hostmaster@trellian.com
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